[CMake] CPack disable build all
2018-11-09 16:22:51 UTC
I have a very large project where each sub-project creates a debian package.

When "make/ninja package" is specified, it performs a "make/ninja all"
before packaging. I would prefer to perform a "make/ninja all" myself before
I doing a "make/ninja package".

I want to create a package for just one target. I can use "cpack -D
CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL=<target>" to do this but, CPack takes a long time to
create the package. I can only surmise that CPack is building everything in
the background, as there is no output. If I have everything build BEFORE i
run "cpack -D CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL=<target>", it completes in seconds.

Is it possible to disable CPack from building everything?

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Eric Noulard
2018-11-09 19:24:49 UTC
Post by DKLind
I have a very large project where each sub-project creates a debian package.
When "make/ninja package" is specified, it performs a "make/ninja all"
before packaging. I would prefer to perform a "make/ninja all" myself before
I doing a "make/ninja package".
I want to create a package for just one target. I can use "cpack -D
CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL=<target>" to do this but, CPack takes a long time to
create the package. I can only surmise that CPack is building everything in
the background, as there is no output. If I have everything build BEFORE i
run "cpack -D CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL=<target>", it completes in seconds.
I'm almost sure that when invoked on itself like:

cpack -G TGZ

cpack does not build at all.
cpack does install but AFAIK it does not trigger the build.

you can try:

ninja clean
cpack -V -G TGZ

and I'm pretty sure CPack will fail because it won't find the expected bits
to be installed precisely because they are not built.

Note that using "-V" verbose option of CPack you'll more traces of what
CPack does.
Post by DKLind
Is it possible to disable CPack from building everything?
If you observe that could you send us a stripped down project that exhibit
this behavior?