David Jobet
2018-10-12 07:42:32 UTC
we embed in our source a copy of an ICC build of LLVM, that we import :
add_library(global_llvm_external STATIC IMPORTED)
set_property(TARGET global_llvm_external APPEND PROPERTY
set_property(TARGET global_llvm_external APPEND PROPERTY
set_property(TARGET global_llvm_external APPEND PROPERTY
add_library(global_llvm INTERFACE)
target_link_libraries(global_llvm INTERFACE global_llvm_external)
add_library(global::llvm ALIAS global_llvm)
It works fine, until someone decided to install a more recent version
of LLVM in its development env. (which is not ABI compatible)
Somehow, system includes path are looked into first
g++ ... -I/apps/homefs1/USER/work/. -I. -isystem
/spare/local/USER/conda_root/envs/gcc6cxx14/include -isystem
/apps/homefs1/USER/work/.../libllvm/icc/include ...
so, as with include_directories where it's possible to control the
ordering with BEFORE or AFTER, is there a way to tell cmake that when
linking against global::llvm we want the include directories needed by
global::llvm to be prepended (instead of appended) ?
With regards
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we embed in our source a copy of an ICC build of LLVM, that we import :
add_library(global_llvm_external STATIC IMPORTED)
set_property(TARGET global_llvm_external APPEND PROPERTY
set_property(TARGET global_llvm_external APPEND PROPERTY
set_property(TARGET global_llvm_external APPEND PROPERTY
add_library(global_llvm INTERFACE)
target_link_libraries(global_llvm INTERFACE global_llvm_external)
add_library(global::llvm ALIAS global_llvm)
It works fine, until someone decided to install a more recent version
of LLVM in its development env. (which is not ABI compatible)
Somehow, system includes path are looked into first
g++ ... -I/apps/homefs1/USER/work/. -I. -isystem
/spare/local/USER/conda_root/envs/gcc6cxx14/include -isystem
/apps/homefs1/USER/work/.../libllvm/icc/include ...
so, as with include_directories where it's possible to control the
ordering with BEFORE or AFTER, is there a way to tell cmake that when
linking against global::llvm we want the include directories needed by
global::llvm to be prepended (instead of appended) ?
With regards
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Please keep messages on-topic and check the CMake FAQ at: http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_FAQ
Kitware offers various services to support the CMake community. For more information on each offering, please visit:
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CMake Consulting: http://cmake.org/cmake/help/consulting.html
CMake Training Courses: http://cmake.org/cmake/help/training.html
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