[CMake] How to fix the following based on CMP0053 policy
Scott Bloom
2018-11-15 19:39:52 UTC
I have an older 3rd party (that is no longer supported) cmake file, that relies on the CMP0053 OLD setting

Since I have moved to 3.12, Im getting the warning that its deprecated etc...

strstr "
extern int strstr();
exit(strstr(\"\\\0test\", \"test\") ? 1 : 0);"

However, when I turn the policy to "NEW" it errors out with
Syntax error in cmake code at when parsing string
extern int strstr();

exit(strstr(\"\\\0test\", \"test\") ? 1 : 0);

Invalid character escape '\0'.

However, that is the whole test, ie that the escaped 0 check works.

How should I change the strings generation so it works with the new policy?


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