[CMake] Finding out how "cmake" was run
Rob Boehne
2018-10-31 13:55:10 UTC

Is there some place where the command that cmake was run with gets stored?
GNU Autoconf projects write a config.log file, who’s first line is the command that was used to configure the project.
So when I go back later and try to pick up where I left off, it’s fairly easy –
I run “head config.log” and I see what I had configured to build in that directory.


Rob Boehne
Senior Software Architect | Datalogics, Inc.
+1.312.853.8351<tel:(312)%20853-8351> | ***@datalogics.com<mailto:***@datalogics.com>
datalogics.com<http://www.datalogics.com/> | blogs.datalogics.com<http://blogs.datalogics.com/>

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Jean-Michaël Celerier
2018-10-31 14:03:27 UTC
CMakeCache.txt has all these infos
Post by Rob Boehne
Is there some place where the command that cmake was run with gets stored?
GNU Autoconf projects write a config.log file, who’s first line is the
command that was used to configure the project.
So when I go back later and try to pick up where I left off, it’s fairly easy –
I run “head config.log”  and I see what I had configured to build in
that directory.
*Rob Boehne*
Senior Software Architect | Datalogics, Inc.
datalogics.com <http://www.datalogics.com/> | blogs.datalogics.com
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YouTube <https://www.youtube.com/user/Datalogics>
Ian Cullen
2018-10-31 14:17:40 UTC
Looks like someone had a similar idea to you a few days ago -

Also discussed previously:
Post by Jean-Michaël Celerier
CMakeCache.txt has all these infos
Post by Rob Boehne
Is there some place where the command that cmake was run with gets stored?
GNU Autoconf projects write a config.log file, who’s first line is
the command that was used to configure the project.
So when I go back later and try to pick up where I left off, it’s fairly easy –
I run “head config.log”  and I see what I had configured to build in
that directory.
*Rob Boehne*
Senior Software Architect | Datalogics, Inc.
datalogics.com <http://www.datalogics.com/> | blogs.datalogics.com
Connect with us: Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/DatalogicsInc> |
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YouTube <https://www.youtube.com/user/Datalogics>
Alan W. Irwin
2018-10-31 23:12:35 UTC
Post by Ian Cullen
Looks like someone had a similar idea to you a few days ago -
In addition I requested something like this roughly a decade ago although
it has likely not propagated all the way from the bug tracker back then
to this latest generation of the bug tracker.

I think simply reporting back most cmake arguments specified on the
command line is completely straightforward, i.e., what is
reported back would simply be a list of all cmake arguments that were
specified by the user. But the -D subset of the arguments are a special case
because there are cache complications.

For that subset what is useful to me is what was requested in 14756, i.e.,
give the user a minimal set of cmake arguments that allow them to
reproduce the build starting from an empty build tree. (For example,
if the user specified a -D value which happened to be the default presented
by the option command, this unnecessary -D value
would be dropped from this minimal list.) I guess 16833 (which asked
just for whatever the last set of cmake options were regardless of
cache state) might have a use case as well, but in the discussion
there the requester finally decided that 14756 would satisfy his

In sum, it would be great from my perspective if the "reproduce the
build from empty build-tree case" use case presented in 14756 (and also very long ago by me) was
finally addressed.

Alan W. Irwin

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
implementation for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); the Time
Ephemerides project (timeephem.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting
software package (plplot.sf.net); the libLASi project
(unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of Linux Links project (loll.sf.net);
and the Linux Brochure Project (lbproject.sf.net).

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