On 4/11/2018 4:01 PM, Osman Zakir wrote:
> I tried to do it before, but it won't let me clone the
> repository without sudo for some reason.
I have little experience with Docker -- actually, none. But
as several people have hinted to you already, this doesn't
seem like a CMake issue.
For example, from this statement above, it sounds like you
have a problem with why you have to use sudo to clone the
repository. You got around this problem by using sudo, but
that has opened up other problems that make you believe it
is an issue with CMake.
Personally, I have never cloned a repository using sudo.
"sudo" is really a last resort, and every time one has to
use it, one should ask if there is a better way. At most, I
would clone it with my own account and then perform the
installation step (i.e., "make install" using sudo). Of
course, if you have to use "sudo" to compile, then that's
also an issue but not related to CMake.
Anyway, in case no one else can give you better advice than
this, I suggest you take a step back and look at why you
have to use sudo to clone. This might mean that you should
ask a Docker mailing list for help.
PS: Apologies if something I said here is incorrect.
Honestly, I haven't followed your problem from the very
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