[CMake] CMake 3.13 Interprocedural Optimization for Visual C++: Whole Program Optimization (LTCG)
Niels Dekker
2018-11-22 13:12:00 UTC
I'm very pleased that CMake 3.13 (just released) includes the "IPO for
VS" feature that I implemented, with help from Brad Kind: it allows
enabling Whole Program Optimization (Link Time Code Generation) on a
Visual C++ project, by means of CMake flag INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION.

Visual Studio offers this option (LTCG) for more than a decade already,
within the IDE. I'm glad that it's now also directly available to
VS/CMake users.

In general, I would suggest to enable this option only for a Release
build. As follows:

add_executable(MyProject MyMain.cpp MySource.cpp)
set_property(TARGET MyProject PROPERTY

I'm interested to hear from other VS/CMake users if they find this new
option helpful. And specifically whether they experience a significant
performance gain from their application, after enabling IPO.

Note that my request to enable IPO "by default" for Release
configurations has been rejected, at least for the time being:
https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/issues/17720 So for now, users
have to explicitly switch on this option.

Kind regards, Niels
Niels Dekker
Scientific programmer
LKEB, Leiden University Medical Center
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